Sunday, October 25, 2009

Society of Illustrators loves Rabbits RABID RABBITS!!

Yes- it's been a long while between posts but your ever enduring/suffering and sometimes even a little whimpering Rabbits have been busy busy bunnies (With a new issue in the works no less!) But they haven't been mindlessly sitting in front of the tube for boobs! they've been out there conquering and making illustrations and stuffs!

On that note your truly beloved/despised Editor in Chief C.M.Butzer is now on display (his work- not him... thank god) at the Society of Illustrators- A spread from his book Gettysburg- The graphic novel was selected by the society to be a part of the Orginal Art show 2009. But low and behold he is not alone- Three Rabbit contributors were also selected! Lauren Castillo! Tae Eun Yoo! and silver medaled Brian Floca! Paul Hoppe was there too- as arm-candy- don't picture it!

Beware world, Rabid Rabbit domination is being secretly planned by Ben X. Trinh